Welcome to Embodied Spirit
You are in the right place if…
You are a professional, an executive a leader, a dreamer, a creator
You are spiritually minded, curious and open
You are entrepreneurial, talented, creative
You know there are things holding you back in certain areas, but you can’t quite put your finger on what
You’re exhausted, your body hurts or complains at you, but there is no medical explanation
You want to experience more joy, more pleasure, more connection, more abundance, and more beauty in your life
You know there’s more for you in life than you’ve been able to access, you just don’t know quite what…
It’s time for joy, peace and freedom in your life!
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“Starting my art + design house Gallery Beautiful was all consuming (in a good way). I was on fire with so many wonderful creations pouring out of me, I could hardly keep up with myself. After working at this fast pace for years I noticed I was beginning to feel tired and fragmented – my enthusiasm was waning. After just one ThetaHealing session with beautiful Shanti Faiia I got my mojo back ! I feel like new, with more focus and clarity than ever”
Sonya Rothwell, Alchemist-In-Chief of Gallery Beautiful
Winner of ‘Best Luxury Interior Accessories’ BUILD Magazine Awards 2019
contact me
If you have any questions, or you would like to work with me, have a look at How To Work With Me. You can also reach me by Email or through social media. I would love to connect!
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